Convolutional AEs for low-dimensional parameterizations of Navier-Stokes flow

IFAC Seminar – Data-driven Methods in Control – 2021

Jan Heiland & Peter Benner (MPI Magdeburg)


\[\dot x = f(x) + Bu\]

Control of an inverted pendulum

  • 9 degrees of freedom
  • but nonlinear controller.

Stabilization of a laminar flow

  • 50’000 degrees of freedom
  • but linear regulator.

Control of Nonlinear & Large-Scale Systems

A general approach would include

  • powerful backends (linear algebra / optimization)
  • exploitation of general structures
  • data-driven surrogate models
  • all of it?!

SDC Representation

\[ \dot x = [A(x)]\,x + Bu \]

  • Under mild conditions, the flow \(f(x)\) can be factorized \[ \dot x = [A(x)]\,x + Bu \] – a state dependent coefficient system – with some \[A\colon \mathbb R^{n} \to \mathbb R^{n\times n}.\]

  • Control through a state-dependent state-feedback law \[ u=-[B^*P(x)]\,x. \]

Nonlinear SDRE Feedback

  • Set \[ u=-[B^TP(x)]\,x. \]

  • with \(P(x)\) as the solution to the state-dependent Riccati equation \[ A(x)^TP + PA(x) - PBB^TP + C^TC=0 \]

  • the system \[\dot x = f(x) + Bu \;=[A(x)- BB^TP(x)]\,x\] can be controlled towards an equilibrium; see, e.g., Banks, Lewis, and Tran (2007).

Linear Updates as an Alternative

Theorem Benner and Heiland (2018)

  • If \(P_0\) is the Riccati solution for \(x=x_0\)

  • and if \(E\) solves the linear equation \[A(x)E + E(A(x_0)-BB^TP_0)=A(x_0)-A(x)\]

  • with \(\|E\| \leq \epsilon < 1\),

  • then \(u=-B^TP_0(I+E)^{-1}\) stabilizes the system.

\[ \DeclareMathOperator{\spann}{span} \DeclareMathOperator{\Re}{Re} \]

LPV Representation

\[ \dot x \approx [A_0+\Sigma \,\rho_k(x)A_k]\, x + Bu \]

The linear parameter varying (LPV) representation/approximation \[ \dot x = f(x) + Bu = [\tilde A(\rho(x))]\,x + Bu \approx [A_0+\Sigma \,\rho_k(x)A_k]\, x + Bu \] with affine parameter dependency can be exploited for designing nonlinear controller through scheduling.

Scheduling of \(H_\infty\) Controllers

  • If \(\rho(x)\in \mathbb R^{k}\) can be confined to a bounded polygon,

  • there is globally stabilizing \(H_\infty\) controller

  • that can be computed

  • through solving \(k\) coupled LMI in the size of the state dimension;

see Apkarian, Gahinet, and Becker (1995) .

Series Expansion of SDRE Solution

For \(A(x)=\sum_{k=1}^r\rho_k(x)A_k\), the solution \(P\) to the SDRE \[ A(x)^TP + PA(x) - PBB^TP + C^TC=0 \] can be expanded in a series \[ P(x) = P_0 + \sum_{|\alpha| > 0}\rho(x)^{(\alpha)}P_{\alpha} \] where \(P_0\) solves a Riccati equation and \(P_\alpha\) solve Lyapunov (linear!) equations;

see Beeler, Tran, and Banks (2000).

We see

Manifold opportunities if only \(k\) was small.

Low-dimensional LPV

Approximation of Navier-Stokes Equations by Convolutional Neural Networks

The Navier-Stokes equations

\[ \dot v + (v\cdot \nabla) v- \frac{1}{\Re}\Delta v + \nabla p= f, \]

\[ \nabla \cdot v = 0. \]

  • Let \(v\) be the velocity solution and let \[ V = \begin{bmatrix} V_1 & V_2 & \dotsm & V_r \end{bmatrix} \] be a, say, POD basis with \[v(t) \approx VV^Tv(t)=:\tilde v(t),\]

  • then \[\rho(v(t)) = V^Tv(t)\] is a parametrization.

  • And with \[\tilde v = VV^Tv = V\rho = \sum_{k=1}^rV_k\rho_k,\]

  • the NSE has the low-dimensional LPV representation via \[ (v\cdot \nabla) v \approx (\tilde v \cdot \nabla) v = [\sum_{k=1}^r\rho_k(V_k\cdot \nabla)]\,v. \]


Can we do better than POD?

Lee/Carlberg (2019): MOR of dynamical systems on nonlinear manifolds using deep convolutional autoencoders

Kim/Choi/Widemann/Zodi (2020): Efficient nonlinear manifold reduced order model

Convolution Autoencoders for NSE

  1. Consider solution snapshots \(v(t_k)\) as pictures.

  2. Learn convolutional kernels to extract relevant features.

  3. While extracting the features, we reduce the dimensions.

  4. Encode \(v(t_k)\) in a low-dimensional \(\rho_k\).

Our Example Architecture Implementation

  • A number of convolutional layers for feature extraction and reduction

  • A full linear layer with nonlinear activation for the final encoding \(\rho\in \mathbb R^{r}\)

  • A linear layer (w/o activation) that expands \(\rho \to \tilde \rho\in \mathbb R^{k}\).


  • Velocity snapshots \(v_i\) of an FEM simulation with \[n=50'000\] degrees of freedom

  • interpolated to two pictures with 63x95 pixels each

  • makes a 2x63x69 tensor.

Training for minimizing:

\[ \| v_i - VW\rho(v_i)\|^2_M \] which includes

  1. the POD modes \(V\in \mathbb R^{n\times k}\),

  2. a learned weight matrix \(W\in \mathbb R^{k\times r}\colon \rho \mapsto \tilde \rho\),

  3. the mass matrix \(M\) of the FEM discretization.

Going PINN

Outlook: the induced low-dimensional affine-linear LPV representation of the convection \[\| (v_i\cdot \nabla)v_i - (VW\rho_i \cdot \nabla )v_i\|^2_{M^{-1}}\] as the target of the optimization.

Implementation issues:

  • Include FEM operators while
  • maintaining the backward mode of the training.


Simulation parameters:

  • Cylinder wake at \(\Re=40\), time in \([0, 8]\)
  • 1000 snapshots/data points
  • 2D-CNN with 4 layers
  • kernelsize, stride = 5, 2.
  • batch_size = 40


… and Outlook

  • LPV with affine-linear dependencies are attractive if only \(k\) is small.

  • Proof of concept that CNN can improve POD at very low dimensions.

  • Next: Include the parametrized convection in the training.

  • Outlook: Use for nonlinear controller design.

Thank You!

Apkarian, Pierre, Pascal Gahinet, and Greg Becker. 1995. “Self-Scheduled \(H_\infty\) Control of Linear Parameter-Varying Systems: A Design Example.” Autom. 31 (9): 1251–61.

Banks, H. T., B. M. Lewis, and H. T. Tran. 2007. “Nonlinear Feedback Controllers and Compensators: A State-Dependent Riccati Equation Approach.” Comput. Optim. Appl. 37 (2): 177–218.

Beeler, S. C., H. T. Tran, and H. T. Banks. 2000. “Feedback control methodologies for nonlinear systems.” J. Optim. Theory Appl. 107 (1): 1–33.

Benner, Peter, and Jan Heiland. 2018. “Exponential Stability and Stabilization of Extended Linearizations via Continuous Updates of Riccati Based Feedback.” Internat. J. Robust and Nonlinear Cont. 28 (4): 1218–32.

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