Jan Heiland
Jan Heiland Jan Heiland


About Me

Researcher and lecturer in the working group Optimization-based control at the TU Ilmenau.

Download CV
  • Differential-algebraic Equations
  • Systems and Control Theory
  • Data-driven Modelling
  • Flow Control
  • PhD Applied Mathematics

    TU Berlin


Current Classes (Summer Term 2024)

Topic Location
Lecture: Numerik 2 (des maschinellen Lernens) 🎤 Mo 11-13 im F3001 und Do 9-11 im C112 Moodle, Skript
Exercise: Wissenschaftliches Rechnen 🎤 Mo 15-17 im C115 Moodle
Exercise: Numerische Mathematik 🎤 Mo 13-15 im HU129 Moodle
Selected Projects

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