Open Theses Topics
All projects can be fitted to the needs in terms of complexity, quantity and theory to programming ratio.
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Computational fluid dynamics and control
Optimal distributed control of nonlinear Navier-Stokes equations via differential-algebraic matrix Riccati equations
Boundary control of cylindric flow using particular Couette-solutions
As these projects base on numerical analysis and system and control theory, they are very suitable for students of mathematics. Basic knowledge of numerical mathematics and a programming language is mandatory. Knowledge of control theory and fluid dynamics will be useful.
Control of Dynamical Systems
- Advanced control of a double or triple pendulum
- Low-budget realization of a double pendulum
These projects have a hardware component. They are particularly suited for control or electrical engineers, but also for students of mathematics that have a favor for engineering applications.
In cooperation with the Magdeburg company Hasomed.
Modelling and Simulation
- Spurious lights in laser measurements
With Jun.-Prof. Benoit Fond (OvGU Magdeburg, Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics)